
Tweets of 2012.03.29

07:03 word-boundary prediction method群は知らなかった。 / “What are some Japanese tokenizers or tokenization strategies? - Quora” http://t.co/t1xBpbYJ 06:55 Vision of the Sermon (Jacob Wrestling with the Angel), by Paul Gauguin http://t.co…

Tweets of 2012.03.30

23:59 ほんとかなあ ... / “The history of April Fools Day [video] - Holy Kaw!” http://t.co/KAmb1VoH 23:49 MacBook Touch: http://t.co/LLiSY6u6 via @youtube いいね!明後日買いに行こうかな。 23:46 Textures Landscapes | Stephan Zirwes http://t.…